This site is dedicated to promote literacy for children while making it more fun and relevant to what adults are interested in today.

My Mission:

I truly believe that when you instill the habit of reading in a child, you are providing them with another essential nutrient they need to thrive on.  My primary mission is to promote literacy. With so many children’s books out there, my hope is to put a spotlight on some of the highly recommended books and some noteworthy ones that may not be as prominent.  While doing so, I am also hoping to make this blog fun by providing some interesting information, products, and tips that may be useful to you.

About Me:

I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and moved from Manhattan to Arlington, VA in 2015.  After my son was born, like many moms, I found myself questioning my next career move.  I wanted to do something I was truly passionate about (education & kids) while making a contribution to society.  That brings me to Little Books and Things.  I hope you get something out of reading what I have to share!  Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or feedback.

Yours Truly,

Rani Thomas Mody